The Aggression Risk Score is a prognostic tool used to identify patients with high risk of developing aggression episode during their hospital LOS, therefore helping to shift the practice towards preventive paradigms, improving patient safety, and minimizing cost of care. The project was deployed on February 2023 at Mount Sinai Hospital.
Patient Aggression is one of the most complex and dangerous occupational hazards in healthcare environment
Patents are subjected to more restrictive intervention => High cost and resource utilization
Increasing stress and tension on both patients and providers
Patient aggression is not strictly limited to acute psychiatry units
The most common aggression management tools are including:
Broset Violence Checklist
Violence Risk Assessment Scheme
McNeil-Binder Violence Screening Checklist
The current aggression management tools
Limited prognostic value: golden time (time between initiation of aggression and intervention) is ~ zero
BROSET Violence Checklist
Nursing-administered screening tool to predict potentially aggressive patients
- Patients get rated on six factors:
Verbal threats
Physical threats
Attacking objects
Scores greater than or equal to 2 indicate the potential for high risk of violence in the next 24 hours
Triggers a consult to psychiatry focused on:
Behavioral strategies
Psychiatric assessment