The Metastatic streaming engine was developed to identify inpatient encounters with high risk of metastatic disease (cancer that spreads from where it started to a distant part of the body) and optimize the capture rate. It was deployed at Mount Sinai Hospital on April 2022.

Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI)

  • Core of every patient encounter is clinical documentation accurately reflecting the patient’s disease burden and scope of services provided.

  • Clinical documentation must be :

    • Clear

    • Consistent

    • Complete

    • Precise

    • Reliable

    • Timely

    • Legible

  • CDI facilitates the accurately translation of patient’s clinical status into coded data resulting in quality reporting, physician report cards, reimbursement, public health data, disease tracking and trending, and medical research.

  • The convergence of clinical care , documentation , and coding process is crucial for appropriate reimbursement, accurate quality scores, and informed decision-making to support high-quality patient care.


  • High volume of clinical notes and the cost of processing

  • Manual chart review of cancer patients to identify new metastatic disease is inefficient due to

    • time required

    • limited number of patients assessed

    • difficulty identifying these patients prior to treatment

  • Information to quickly and accurately identify patients with metastatic disease is typically available only in clinical text documents (particularly radiology reports)

  • Complexity of language expression and inconclusive text to express uncertain or negative condition makes the NLP task very challenging 1

  • Building an exhaustive list of terms and rules to model language and extract domain concepts is extremely time consuming

  • High class-imbalance => low productivity

  • Clinical documentation improvement opportunity based on benchmarking reports

Current Approach and Solution

  • Search Algorithms

    • term/string matching and document indexing (

    • )

    • “metastatic”, “metastasis”, “metastases” and “carcinomatosis”

  • DNNs for medical NLP (Language models: embeddings)

    • BioBERT (

  • )

  • BiLSTM-CRF (

    • )

    • Relation Extraction (REX)2

  • Lexicon Mediated Entropy Reduction (LEXIMER) system

  • Medical Language Extraction and Encoding Sys- tem (MEDLEE)

    • It uses a controlled vocabulary and grammatical rules to translate text to a structured database format

    • Low generalizability 3,4

  • Radiology Analysis tool (RADA) 5

  • Mayo Clinic’s Clinical Text Analysis and Knowledge Extraction System (cTAKES)

    • a dictionary-based named-entity recognizer to highlight the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus terms in text, in addition to other NLP functionalities, such as tok- enizing, part of speech tagging, and parsing 6

  • Health Information Text Extraction (HITEx) from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School

    • It Creates tag for principal diagnoses 7

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER)2

    • Methods

      • dictionary-based method

      • conditional Markov model (CMM) 13

        • Sequence classifier

        • probabilities in CMMs are normalized locally for each state in the sequence

      • conditional random field model (CRF)

      • Sequence classifier

      • Probabilities in CRFs are normalized globally for a sequence

    • Information model 8,9

      • Structure

        • anatomy: “Right upper lobe”

        • anatomy modifier: “Anterior”

        • observation: “Mass”

        • observation modifier: “Calcified”,“1 cm”

        • uncertainty:“Probably is present”

      • This information model has a hierarchical structure

      • The annotation tool => eHOST:

Optimization opportunity and Goal

  • Opportunity: Identify inpatient encounters with high risk of metastatic disease and optimize the capture rate

  • Goal: Develop a ML based CDI tool to flag the inpatient encounters with high risk of metastatic disease at Discharge day and send the notification to the CDI specialist

Expected Impacts

  • Improve coding accuracy

  • Improve reimbursement opportunities

  • Improve comorbidity Score => Improve Elixhauser Comorbidity Index

  • Improve PSIs monitoring

Proposed Solution

  • This tool automatically screens patient’s clinical notes (Care Notes and Progress Notes) and reports (Radiology and Pathology) at discharge time for rapid identification of patients with metastatic disease

  • The machine learning information extraction approach provides an effective automatic method to annotate and extract clinically significant information from a large collection of free text and use a ML classifier to identify the patients with high risk of new metastasis

High Level Operationalization Workflow

Batch Computational Flow

  • we use discriminative sequence classifiers for named-entity recognition to extract and organize clinically significant terms and phrases consistent with the information model.

Feature Engineering Flow

Labeling Logic

Proposed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

  • Chart review rate ==> will be captured by redcap response

  • Query rate

  • Provider response rate ==> will be captured by redcap response

  • Provider agreement rate ==> will be captured by redcap response

  • Unable to determine rate

Active Pilot Workflow

there are two types of metastatic patients:

  1. documented and captured by 3M software

  2. undocumented and will be captured by the CDI team review ==> only this category will be sent into the recap for being scanned by the NLP application


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